SEX IS important to us all. The approach to sex begins with an understanding of how important love is in our lives, while at the same time it acknowledges that the journey into love cannot exclude our innate biological energies. With this perspective, it becomes clear that the tendency for togetherness, and for society in general, to associate sex with sin and morality has been a great misfortune. Sex issues begin by deconstructing the layers of sexual repression that the condemnation of sex has inflicted on humans. Throughout sex matters, in response to questions about everything from jealousy, heartbreaks, to premature ejaculation, the role of intimacy and the differences between men and women. I propose a vision that embraces sex as a fundamental gift from nature. We learn how orgasm offers a glimpse of timelessness, thoughtlessness, and pure awareness -- biology’s way of pointing toward the consciousness that helps us to understand ourselves. Finally, we are presented with a clear choice: a repressed sexuality that leads to pornography, perversion, and a stunted humanity or a playful, respectful, and relaxed innocence that supports us in becoming fulfilled and whole, as nature intended. Its not about making two plus two, its all about acceptance, and looking at things with openness, its fifth dimension as rigidness and less lubrication of thoughts and non acceptance of nature creates ruptures on mind, body and soul.
I have read that a woman is selling her virginity on the Net to collect money for her studies. The funniest part is there are many Alpfa men bidding a high price to have the first physical dip in her body. Why is there a controversy over everything? Why do two people, who are supposed to be complimenting each other, live life like opposite ends of a river. Is ego of a person so strong that a man keeps making a mockery of himself and keeps killing himself every day, without even knowing it. Is the answer in evolution process or is there total absence of love. Is it due to less understanding of self or is it a low self-esteem disorder. Love of a man is not dependent on the object but is a radiation of his subjectivity - a radiation of his self and his soul. Today’s complication of lifestyle, relationships, rat-race in professional life, excessive pressure situations has brought man to the point where happiness in love, relations, material possession has ceased to exist. Will it happen one day that we have auctions of first kiss, first fellatio etc, etc. Life is nothing but an opportunity to know self and to love and be loved. If you are alive, the opportunity is there - even to the last breath. You may have missed your whole life: just the last breath, the last moment on the earth, if you can love and be loved even for a second, you have not missed anything - because a single moment of love is equal to the whole eternity of love. Man is divided into false personality and authentic individuality. Every man on Earth, who is not in conscious state of his being is schizophrenic; there is no need for any other symptom. It is just the natural, almost natural condition, from being told for thousands of years to be hypocrites. I urge every man to understand the concept of ‘ardhnarishwar’, although it’s not propagating dostana but knowing the deep mysteries inside.
Although you can overlook some of her behaviourial disorder by behaving cool in accepting some of her demands but believe me, you are heading towards a disaster by getting caught for ever with a woman not made for you. But how will you find out that you are getting yourself in a trap of such a woman? Just look out for some of the signs and you may thank me for telling you some of the utmost secret truths and findings. Find out, is she showing consistent signs of extremely ‘needy’ behaviour? Such women are intense, clingy and unable to keep a man because of their frantic desire for a serious commitment. So, they always create an image of vulnerability and the one who has never been understood by anyone. She will make you believe that you are the first and only one who understands her. She keeps cursing all her ex’s. But the million dollar question is how do you know that there is a webbing going around you? Read her relationship history to find out is she a serial monogamist? Does she jump from one relationship to another? It could be because she cannot stand being alone. Look closer – is one of her ex’s a rockstar, while another a financial wizard and still another a fashion photographer or a naturalist? The warning bells should clang if she doesn’t seem to have a particular type. Ouch! Just run fast and far away, save yourself without having any regrets. Believe me, you will not be the last in her list. She knows what she will be doing on the last Saturday of August, next year. She’s named her future children and grand children and even picked their careers. Well documented list of all the names she has to take revenge from, in short, she’s got a whole life planned. As soon as you begin dating, she keeps asking you if you love her. She starts discussing marriage and future plans directly and indirectly as if you’ve been together for years. This type of woman is eager to start her well-planned life immediately and will try to pressurise you into a premature commitment.So, she has a pet; name immaterial, it could be ripper, shipper, tipper or any thing else, what difference does it make. Watch how she interacts with them. Is she coochy cooing or pampering them excessively? Does she treat them like people? Does she keep talking to them excessively. This type of woman channels their affection and need to control through animals. During the initial days of webbing, she agrees with you all the time? Are you surprisingly pleased with how similar you both are? You often get a feeling that you got your soul mate. But if she is a woman anxious to get hitched, she will fake compatibility in her rush to the altar. But would you want to be with or spend life with a mirror image of your tastes and opinions. She might disarm you by asking some questions you have never been asked before by any woman living, like how do you rate women? Or tell you, what is a worth of a woman? She makes you believe that the woman you are with is not from this earth, and you are the most fortunate to find her or have been discovered by her. Such tricks automatically make her different from the rest. Be aware it’s another mantra of the trickster to hook you up. Don’t commit, confuse and disarm her by admitting you can’t commit. Accept it as your fault. Tell her you got carried away. But is it not your freedom what you are craving for? The more she cries and creates a scene of a perfect Hindi potboiler in emotionally blackmailing you into staying in the relationship, the more you should be convinced that she’s fake. "Mystery is, there was never a mystery." I know it seems heartless but you have to be tough, if you don’t want to be in mess all your life. Take your friends and family into confidence after break-up , explain why you broke. Avoid her, avoid her calls, change phone numbers if you have to, block emails from her ID too. In short avoid at all cost, to have bliss and a fresh clean slate for a new more meaningful beginning.
All the indicators point in the direction of the woman you’re with. Don’t confuse yourself into thinking that all that clingy, needy behaviour was affection. Take a walk on the road to freedom. But be aware she can make a frog out of your Prince Charming image, which she has cultivated in your mind. And you have spent hours gazing at the mirror to find out the angle in which you look similar to Hrithik, John, Saif or Shahrukh.
We begin to think of our spouses as extensions of ourselves - then we get frustrated when they act in ways that we wouldn’t. We say things like, “Why would you do something like that?” or “How can you think that?” These reactions overlook the fact of difference that our partners are not a part of us and that they have their own individuality. Your sweetheart will inevitably have certain qualities or interests that aren’t appealing to you. 'Otherness' is part of being married - no two people are completely compatible. Some of you as you read this are probably thinking, "Yeah, all that sounds real nice but you don't know me, my spouse or what we've been through." You're right, I don't know. But what I do know is that you will reap what you sow. Perfect marriages don't exist in the real world. But couples who are willing to put the time, energy and commitment to making their marriage work, will be able to reap the flame of love and keep their marriage growing. Mark Twain once said that he could live a full month on nothing but a single compliment.
ONE QUESTION, which has troubled me so often is what could be the reason, which makes a person decide to end his own life? What are those circumstances that living becomes so difficult? Why a person decides to destroy God’s finest creation? Why can’t we just stop worrying and start living...? There is always a way, we need to have the will. Most suicides appear to be associated with a long-lasting depression; they are often "a permanent solution to a temporary problem." Others who commit suicide are not depressed. They kill themselves because of terminal illness, intractable pain, and/or the loss of dignity, control and love. It is almost as though the darkness of an evil has a hold on our minds and hearts in those darkest moments when suicide seems right, rational and eminent. The main problem with suicide is that it is murder. You would be murdering a person even though it would be your own self -- you are still a person. It is a health issue -- the health of our brain determines how we perceive and feel the world. When we are depressed, we must consider that our decisions will be based on a body system that is not functioning as it should. The thinking and feeling process is not working right. It is our pain and a "broken" brain that is leading us to suicide. Through our tears and our suffering, we must try to recognise that we are not well, and our thoughts are a danger to us. But sometimes we cannot see this. We usually don’t want to kill ourselves over a broken leg. We have more experience in knowing that the body can heal itself, in this case with a doctor’s help, to set the leg so it can heal. Emotions have so much power. And these are unbalanced thoughts and emotions of an almost "injured" brain. It is almost as if a dark force is whispering in our ear, trying to hurt us, trying to get us to hurt ourselves, and sometimes, to hurt other people. Many commit suicide not for their own hurt, but they feel that it would hurt the person who has hurt them. Most people have thought of suicide at some time of their lives and not all people who commit suicide have mental health problems at the time of death. However, a majority of people who kill themselves do have such problems, usually to a serious degree. Sometimes, this has been diagnosed before the person’s death and at times not. People who kill themselves have often told someone that they do not feel life is worth living or that they have no future. Some may have actually said they want to die. Whilst it may be the case that some people talk about suicide as a way of getting the attention they need, it is very important that everyone who says they feel suicidal be treated seriously. People who have attempted to kill themselves are significantly more likely to eventually die by suicide than the rest of the population. Feeling suicidal is often a temporary state of mind. Whilst someone may feel low or distressed for a sustained period the actual suicidal crisis can be relatively short term. This is what makes timely emotional support so important. People may talk about their feelings because they want support in dealing with them. In this sense it may be that they do indeed want attention in which case giving that attention may save their life. The majority of people who feel suicidal do not actually want to die; they do not want to live the life they have. The distinction may seem small but is, in fact, very important and that is why other options at the right time are so vital. Suicidal behavior differs from person to person. Some people show very positive behavior such as happiness or relief once their decision to take their own life and end the pain has been made. Unusual behavior, such as being very withdrawn or excessively animated can also be a sign that there is something wrong. If someone is going through an emotional distress they can feel very isolated and will sometimes show anger or impatience towards the people close to them. Low self-esteem, being close to tears and not being able to cope with small every day events are also signs that someone is struggling to cope with overwhelming feelings. Physical symptoms of depression and distress also include sleeplessness, loss of appetite or irregular eating, stomach aches, panic attacks, low energy and loss of concentration. Signs that someone is suicidal can include talking of tidying up their affairs or expressing feelings of despair and failure. If you are worried about a friend, colleague or family member they may really appreciate your asking them how they are. You don’t have to be able to solve their problem, or even to completely understand it, but listening to what they have to say will at least let them know you care. Remember to act quickly. When someone is distressed, it may be a seemingly small thing or something which only affects them indirectly which acts as the trigger to them becoming suicidal or acting out suicidal thoughts. Letting someone know that you are there whenever they want to talk is the first step in offering help. Remember that it is difficult to support someone who is suicidal on your own. Take care not to take on so much of other people’s problems that you yourself start feeling depressed. Encourage your friend to seek emotional support and talk to someone they trust -- maybe friends, family, medical services. If you are worried about a friend, colleague or family member they may really appreciate you asking how they are. Talking about a problem is never easy. You don’t have to be able to solve their problem, or even to completely understand it, but listening to what they have to say will at least let them know you care.
If you feel able to, offer support and encourage your friend, colleague or family member to talk about how they are feeling. Ask direct questions and don’t be afraid of frank discussions. If someone is talking about suicide always take it seriously. It is a myth that talking about suicide is attention seeking.It is vital not to pressurise the person into talking if they don’t want to, but giving them the time and space to talk openly without interrupting or offering solutions or judging them can provide the first step in helping them cope with the crisis.
For a crowd is not company, and faces are but a gallery of pictures,
and talk but a tinkling cymbal, where there is no love.
Be at ease and be satisfied with your own self. The feeling of loneliness need not, necessarily, stem from being alone or having nobody with’s caused by dissatisfaction with the people in your life. And it includes dissatisfaction with yourself.
You have to be confident about who you are and how you feel. I am sure there are a lot of people who are your friends and want to be with you as friends. Do not wait for other people to visit you or approach you. You take the first step and start thinking them as your friends. You open your heart to let people in because nobody likes to knock on closed doors.
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- Rudrakshha
- On a religious journey to know me. A wonderer and on an eternal journey to know myself Eternal vagabond. Unconventional,Esoteric,Rebel, Unpersuasive,Erratic,Enigmatic are the words prescribed in general to define me. Started Rudraksh foundation Using psychotherapy focused on providing individual and couples counseling services. Specializing in work related stress, womens’ issues and family mediation services. Interested in academic work as well, and perhaps advising corporations on mental health issues.Meditation camps,reiki,stress management and Aura healing,Individual and group therapies. Spend around twenty years in Journalism and working for various corporates, To name XEROX CORP, MAX NEWYORK LIFE, AVIVA INDIA
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