Although you can overlook some of her behaviourial disorder by behaving cool in accepting some of her demands but believe me, you are heading towards a disaster by getting caught for ever with a woman not made for you. But how will you find out that you are getting yourself in a trap of such a woman? Just look out for some of the signs and you may thank me for telling you some of the utmost secret truths and findings. Find out, is she showing consistent signs of extremely ‘needy’ behaviour? Such women are intense, clingy and unable to keep a man because of their frantic desire for a serious commitment. So, they always create an image of vulnerability and the one who has never been understood by anyone. She will make you believe that you are the first and only one who understands her. She keeps cursing all her ex’s. But the million dollar question is how do you know that there is a webbing going around you? Read her relationship history to find out is she a serial monogamist? Does she jump from one relationship to another? It could be because she cannot stand being alone. Look closer – is one of her ex’s a rockstar, while another a financial wizard and still another a fashion photographer or a naturalist? The warning bells should clang if she doesn’t seem to have a particular type. Ouch! Just run fast and far away, save yourself without having any regrets. Believe me, you will not be the last in her list. She knows what she will be doing on the last Saturday of August, next year. She’s named her future children and grand children and even picked their careers. Well documented list of all the names she has to take revenge from, in short, she’s got a whole life planned. As soon as you begin dating, she keeps asking you if you love her. She starts discussing marriage and future plans directly and indirectly as if you’ve been together for years. This type of woman is eager to start her well-planned life immediately and will try to pressurise you into a premature commitment.So, she has a pet; name immaterial, it could be ripper, shipper, tipper or any thing else, what difference does it make. Watch how she interacts with them. Is she coochy cooing or pampering them excessively? Does she treat them like people? Does she keep talking to them excessively. This type of woman channels their affection and need to control through animals. During the initial days of webbing, she agrees with you all the time? Are you surprisingly pleased with how similar you both are? You often get a feeling that you got your soul mate. But if she is a woman anxious to get hitched, she will fake compatibility in her rush to the altar. But would you want to be with or spend life with a mirror image of your tastes and opinions. She might disarm you by asking some questions you have never been asked before by any woman living, like how do you rate women? Or tell you, what is a worth of a woman? She makes you believe that the woman you are with is not from this earth, and you are the most fortunate to find her or have been discovered by her. Such tricks automatically make her different from the rest. Be aware it’s another mantra of the trickster to hook you up. Don’t commit, confuse and disarm her by admitting you can’t commit. Accept it as your fault. Tell her you got carried away. But is it not your freedom what you are craving for? The more she cries and creates a scene of a perfect Hindi potboiler in emotionally blackmailing you into staying in the relationship, the more you should be convinced that she’s fake. "Mystery is, there was never a mystery." I know it seems heartless but you have to be tough, if you don’t want to be in mess all your life. Take your friends and family into confidence after break-up , explain why you broke. Avoid her, avoid her calls, change phone numbers if you have to, block emails from her ID too. In short avoid at all cost, to have bliss and a fresh clean slate for a new more meaningful beginning.
All the indicators point in the direction of the woman you’re with. Don’t confuse yourself into thinking that all that clingy, needy behaviour was affection. Take a walk on the road to freedom. But be aware she can make a frog out of your Prince Charming image, which she has cultivated in your mind. And you have spent hours gazing at the mirror to find out the angle in which you look similar to Hrithik, John, Saif or Shahrukh.
Be aware of desperate woman on the prowl?
The million dollor question is how do you know that there is a webbing going around you? She has a pet; name immaterial, it could be ripper, shipper, tipper or anything else, what difference does it make, watch how she interacts with them.
CJ: rudraksh 01, 12 Feb 2009 Views:4560 Comments:46ARE YOU blamed for being a monster, the man who never commits, always on the look out for new pastures, a black panther on the prowl? But may be it’s not you, it could be the same woman you are involved with right now, who has showered you with all these adjectives. It’s because she’s a desperate woman. It could be a permanent disorder in her brain or it may be it is her intrinsic nature, which never allows her to settle down.
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- Rudrakshha
- On a religious journey to know me. A wonderer and on an eternal journey to know myself Eternal vagabond. Unconventional,Esoteric,Rebel, Unpersuasive,Erratic,Enigmatic are the words prescribed in general to define me. Started Rudraksh foundation Using psychotherapy focused on providing individual and couples counseling services. Specializing in work related stress, womens’ issues and family mediation services. Interested in academic work as well, and perhaps advising corporations on mental health issues.Meditation camps,reiki,stress management and Aura healing,Individual and group therapies. Spend around twenty years in Journalism and working for various corporates, To name XEROX CORP, MAX NEWYORK LIFE, AVIVA INDIA
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