“IF HE/SHE cheats once, get help. If he/she cheats twice, get out.” Not a bad advice, really, because sometimes one can make a mistake and realise all that they stood to lose in choosing to cheat. When that happens, if the party which cheated realises this, makes amends and comes back to the relationship with total honesty that relationship could actually become stronger than it was before because they will realise just what they stood to lose and will do everything in their power not to lose it again.
You're 100% correct in the fact that a marriage can survive infidelity, I have seen it happen with friends of mine and they are still together. It was an extremely hurtful process but for them they learned more about one another's likes/loves and therefore felt like the marriage was renewed in a sense once they realized what the other really needed within the marriage. They were attempting to please one another by what they thought the other partner wanted/needed and when it came down to it they realized by truly being themselves without reservations or superficial expectations only then could they come together and have the marriage they both sought in the beginning. I can also happily report they are still together after the painful affair and much counseling and have been for the past ten years! Great post and suggestions here and your blog looks divine as well. Cheers!
thanks for this article rudraksh, for me, love, pure love is the one that will keep someone
from surviving this kind of problem. Yeah it hurts but if you really love someone and you know that he/she is loves you even if he/she cheated then basically, your great love towards that person will make you understand i situation and accept it. Its better to make sacrifices than to lose someone whom you really love for good.
Your blog looks much better now. Infidelity does hurts but true love survives all the odds. Some forgive their parners because they love them too much.It all depends on how much you love a person and how much you can forgive! There is a saying " Life is a game and love is the reason we play it".
“IF HE/SHE cheats once, get help. If he/she cheats twice, get out.” it is real quote, I fill it.
You're giving a very valuable advice in this post Rudrakshha and the quote: “IF HE/SHE cheats once, get help. If he/she cheats twice, get out.” is spot on too. There are couples that are staying together no matter how many times one or both partners keep on cheating. Humans are difficult to understand and even more difficult to change...
Your new designlooks great too :)
Hi, your post is very very interesting. Though I haven't got married yet, I understand what you say and think you are totally right.
Please kkep up!
Hi, blog looks like a dream and the article is very thoughtful. Thanks god, my marriage hasn't gone through this, but I believe your advise will help many people. Cheers! Helen
RR-there does come a point when fighting to keep a marriage alive may not be worth it. Incessant infidelity is one contributing factor, and lack of communication is another. But I have seen couples stay together no matter what, because they felt it was their duty to do so, or out of laziness or fear of being alone. And I wonder if perhaps that's not also okay seeing as in some individual way it serves their needs and purposes. I suppose the deciding factor for me is how unhappy they are. If they can make peace with themselves and the relationship as it is, I don't see any harm in continuing it, even if it doesn't meet the criteria of what one might consider a successful marriage..
I don't know what it looked like before, but I like how you have it now. Very nice and the background set like an old document or scroll adds a nice touch.
I agree that a marriage can survive 1 infidelity, but I believe if a person loves you, they wouldn't do it twice. If they do, then you should move on because obviously they don't want to be with you anymore.
What great logical ,practical thoughts!!!!Every time I read you Vijesh am just mesmerized.Thanks to this medium that we can read you .Lucky are those who know you closely ..am gone flat on your writing style sir...hats off...hats off...hats off.
Oh yes the blog looks amazing but really doesn't matter how it looks ..the content is great.
Thanks for your appreciation, and valuable opinion . You always encouraging .
Yes Mam... " Life is a game,Love is the reason we play it. Deep regards
Socrates, As usual you make lot of sense. Your opinion is always the most sought after,esp by me. regards for your time and great inputs.
Hi RR-I posted some new aphorisms today. Hope you're well. I miss your presence on the discussion boards.
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- Rudrakshha
- On a religious journey to know me. A wonderer and on an eternal journey to know myself Eternal vagabond. Unconventional,Esoteric,Rebel, Unpersuasive,Erratic,Enigmatic are the words prescribed in general to define me. Started Rudraksh foundation Using psychotherapy focused on providing individual and couples counseling services. Specializing in work related stress, womens’ issues and family mediation services. Interested in academic work as well, and perhaps advising corporations on mental health issues.Meditation camps,reiki,stress management and Aura healing,Individual and group therapies. Spend around twenty years in Journalism and working for various corporates, To name XEROX CORP, MAX NEWYORK LIFE, AVIVA INDIA
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