We begin to think of our spouses as extensions of ourselves - then we get frustrated when they act in ways that we wouldn’t. We say things like, “Why would you do something like that?” or “How can you think that?” These reactions overlook the fact of difference that our partners are not a part of us and that they have their own individuality. Your sweetheart will inevitably have certain qualities or interests that aren’t appealing to you. 'Otherness' is part of being married - no two people are completely compatible. Some of you as you read this are probably thinking, "Yeah, all that sounds real nice but you don't know me, my spouse or what we've been through." You're right, I don't know. But what I do know is that you will reap what you sow. Perfect marriages don't exist in the real world. But couples who are willing to put the time, energy and commitment to making their marriage work, will be able to reap the flame of love and keep their marriage growing. Mark Twain once said that he could live a full month on nothing but a single compliment.
Thank you for sharing these advice for married couples. Yes, too often, married people never compliment their partners anymore, thinking that there is no need to say it because my partners knows that I love him/her. But of course, a little praise won't hurt anybody. In fact, it could actually do wonders to a relationship. Having read this, I realized that I should compliment my husband more. But what about criticisms? For example, I think that my husband is getting fat too like me, but he doesn't seem to make effort to lose weight? I find myself scolding him to lose weight, do push-ups. Its hard to compliment when you don't see anything to compliment on? What do you think? Thanks
Hi Vijesh.
Anatoli here.
Please send me email from my blog.
I don't see other way for us to communicate.
hey vijesh...gr8 thought...not giving compliments and catering to one others need..is one of the major reason these days of not being able to understand each other ultimately leading to separation...
Great reminder! It's easy to remember to appreciate Hank (my hubby) on special days such as this, his birthday. The trick is to remember to appreciate him no matter the date.
Thanks for the thoughtful post!
It's all true. I've utilized that atitutde and philosophy for over 23 years, which is why I'm still married to the same beautiful and wonderful woman. I'm a lucky man.
This was very insightful and made me think about my own relationship. Thanks RR.
Success in marriage needs the two partners being compatible with each other. For this you have to be choosy while going in for a marriage -
I just got married so all these tips come in well handy. Great post!
Never take him for granted. ;)
Incredible article about making a marriage successful. thanx for sharing
Site looks good, is a common theme, I know six blogs that use the same theme, I had used it for my poetry blog originally. Articles are good for relationships and married couples.
U have to pestor him a lot { ur hubby } Dont expect things to things will work overnight.But definaitly in the long run u will and ur hubby will benifit.
true a little compliment once in a while make the partner feel appreciated and happy of course, being married for more than 20 years, I came to accept all his flaws, though sometimes I still get annoyed with some of his habits.
This if a fantastic blog!!! I would like to share a secret with you. One day I sent my husband a text and it read "I Love You!!! This message would distruct in 10 seconds!!!" I could just see the smile on his face. He really liked the surprise, a few minutes later he called me and I could tell he was blushing!!!
Thanks cynthia for your valuable input.Your opinions always matter to me. Thanks.
You have touched the crux of the issue, always remember Mark Twain. Regards
Thanks you sir, You took your time from your busy schedule.regards
All the best.Catch is not in remembering, Its using them at the right time always, best of luck...
Although its apet of life,Hope you acknowledge the importance of the fact,and who better than a veteran of 20 years like you.
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- Rudrakshha
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