Medical research has shown that if we stimulate certain areas of the brain with a small electric current, we can give people the experience of spiritual trance. We may feel that God is touching our heart, or that the soul of a dead relative, friend or a loved one is near you. Although there is no evidence to support a belief in authentic soul travel, however, as all studies indicate consciousness only exists in the brain cells, which create it. We cannot remove consciousness from the physical body because consciousness is a physical phenomena created by chemistry, just as a firefly’s light is created by chemical reactions. That is why we find turning on or off of consciousness of people injected with drugs. Near death experiences and even certain drugs, such as ketamine and sodium pentothal, can give the feeling of being outside your body but researchers say that is just an illusion of the holographic nature of the human brain. When neural communications between the body and brain are reduced, the brain is free to project your sense of self anywhere it chooses while partially asleep or even during the preliminary stages of death. Prolonged fasting and isolation can also produce hallucinations and distortions of reality. If we inject a human being with enough sedatives, enlightened or not, he will get unconscious. If we damage certain areas of the brain we can drastically alter human behavior. We can turn our conservative finance minister into a garbage eating bum just by killing off some of the brain cells that contain the bio-computer programme of his personality. If we damage other areas of the brain, we can erase all memory. If consciousness, personality and memory are all physical phenomena of brain cells, then why does our brain dies. Our permanent identity of time-energy-space continues unharmed but there is no soul. It also means that we all achieve ’moksha’ at the time of our death because there is no personal cycle of birth and death to escape from and no magical after-life either. The psychological need for a feeling of immortality is so great that our tendencies have become part of our DNA code. Humans who believe in supernatural religions tend to be calmer, healthier and thus live longer than the non-believers. Scientists know that there is only one real life form on planet earth and that is DNA itself. DNA is like a giant vine that has taken over the world. Through the never ending chain of DNA code, we are not only closely related to other mammals but also intimately related to insects, plants and even bacteria upward into more complex plants and animals. DNA is not just a helpful chemical substance that resides inside us. DNA is our biological level identity, our three dimensional physical ’soul’. But to know the truth we must have a strong desire to see it. Every person is capable of knowing this truth. If we are ready to unveil this unseen passage, give wings to your imagination. Explore, explore, explore … as if there is no tomorrow. Enjoy as if this is the last breath.
Is man without a soul?
Yes but to know the truth we must have a strong desire to see it. Every person is capable of knowing this truth. If we are ready to unveil this unseen passage, give wings to your imagination. Explore, explore, explore … as if there is no tomorrow.
rudraksh 01, Views:1363 Comments:10I THINK, we have no soul as our ancient teachers have taught us. This concept has been loaded on to us by others for their vested interests. Reality is a far cry and such crude thoughts are good enough to confuse average minds.
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- Rudrakshha
- On a religious journey to know me. A wonderer and on an eternal journey to know myself Eternal vagabond. Unconventional,Esoteric,Rebel, Unpersuasive,Erratic,Enigmatic are the words prescribed in general to define me. Started Rudraksh foundation Using psychotherapy focused on providing individual and couples counseling services. Specializing in work related stress, womens’ issues and family mediation services. Interested in academic work as well, and perhaps advising corporations on mental health issues.Meditation camps,reiki,stress management and Aura healing,Individual and group therapies. Spend around twenty years in Journalism and working for various corporates, To name XEROX CORP, MAX NEWYORK LIFE, AVIVA INDIA
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