For a crowd is not company, and faces are but a gallery of pictures,
and talk but a tinkling cymbal, where there is no love.
Be at ease and be satisfied with your own self. The feeling of loneliness need not, necessarily, stem from being alone or having nobody with’s caused by dissatisfaction with the people in your life. And it includes dissatisfaction with yourself.
You have to be confident about who you are and how you feel. I am sure there are a lot of people who are your friends and want to be with you as friends. Do not wait for other people to visit you or approach you. You take the first step and start thinking them as your friends. You open your heart to let people in because nobody likes to knock on closed doors.
its really nice post.....thanks
well said! Sarah
Thank you for this enlightening post! I agree with many of your views and reading this brought great comfort. Thanks again
I sometimes try to be lone. The "positive loneliness" in your words. To enjoy my "solitude" to work / play / enjoy my life in my own way. My wife also loves to be away for some day and feel the old "estrangement" we used to share when we were not married. My daughter does not like this though. She misses my lap these days, as she is only three.
Thanks for this post.
Yes one can be "alone" and not lonely. There are so many couples who are not alone and yet very lonely. Solitude is a choice, however, in my observations, more and more are yearning for Solitude, which is a positive sign. The mystics,both eastern and western have discovered in solitude, healing, wholeness, joy, which vibrates throughout the universe, transcending time and space. This is so productive though not seen in our limited vision.
You're welcome the real Miracles of God
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- Rudrakshha
- On a religious journey to know me. A wonderer and on an eternal journey to know myself Eternal vagabond. Unconventional,Esoteric,Rebel, Unpersuasive,Erratic,Enigmatic are the words prescribed in general to define me. Started Rudraksh foundation Using psychotherapy focused on providing individual and couples counseling services. Specializing in work related stress, womens’ issues and family mediation services. Interested in academic work as well, and perhaps advising corporations on mental health issues.Meditation camps,reiki,stress management and Aura healing,Individual and group therapies. Spend around twenty years in Journalism and working for various corporates, To name XEROX CORP, MAX NEWYORK LIFE, AVIVA INDIA
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